5×4 inch transparencies

5×4 inch transparencies


80 in stock

5″x4″ large format colour transparencies from your digital photos, images and files.
Priced per transparency

There is no cropping service for 5×4 transparencies – we expect files to be supplied as you want them output.

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Estimated despatch date: Tuesday 28, January 2025

80 in stock

SKU: DS008 Categories: , ,


Output at 8K resolution (8192 x 6372 pixels) these gorgeous 5″x4″ large format transparencies from your digital photos are exposed on Fujichrome Provia film and processed in proper 6 bath E6 chemistry for the finest quality. For those who shoot digital but love quality silver halide film transparencies (diapositives to our continental friends).

Because of the niche nature of large format work transparencies are output on demand, not ganged with other customer’s work.

Please note that to make the most of large transparencies your original digital file should be of high quality: high resolution scans, images from high end digital cameras and so on. It is your pixel count that matters so you need to at or very near our output resolution of 8192 x 6372 pixels. Transparencies will reflect the lowest common denominator so please don’t up-size smaller files in Photoshop, you won’t get the sharpest possible positives this way, even though you magically have the correct number of pixels!

Of course, this only matters if you are enlarging. If you are contact printing, using a lightbox, are making magic lantern slides or have some other fine art application then lower resolution images are fine. You may be supplying museum or library archive material for which there is nothing better available, in which case there is no choice, the images are what they are.

Your image will not be cropped and if not of the exact pixel size they will be fitted to either 8192px wide or 6372px high (vice verse for portrait images), the excess is left as black film. So you are quite welcome to send in long thin panoramic images, for instance. We don’t offer a cropping option as we expect users of this service to be users of Photoshop.

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